1. Introducing Tablón de Gomez!

    by Congregation Coffee

    This exceptionally drinkable coffee is the perfect everyday coffee. It's delicious and complex, as well as super versatile and highly drinkable.
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  2. The Bag of Coffee, Explained

    by Congregation Coffee

    What does MASL stand for? What does roast level actually mean? How does the process effect the taste of the coffee? Learn it all here!
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  3. What Happens During Roasting

    by Congregation Coffee

    The cool science behind how coffee goes from inedible green seeds to the aromatic coffee beans we know and love.
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  4. Seasonality of Coffee

    by Congregation Coffee

    Why are some of our coffees only available for a few months? Coffee is a seasonal crop! Farms typically harvest just once per year. After the crop ...
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  5. Limited Edition Saul's Light Bag

    by Congregation Coffee

    During the month of September, we'll be selling special bags of coffee benefitting Saul's Light, an incredible local organization that helps NICU families. All proceeds from purchases of this limited edition bag will go to Saul's Light to support their many programs. 
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  6. An Autumn Day Dream Spritz For Backstreet Cultural Museum

    by Congregation Coffee

    It's the last weekend of the month, and you know what that means! Pay What You Want Fundraiser! This month's specialty beverage is the Autumn Day Dream Spritz benefitting Backstreet Cultural Museum.
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